Only those files which you have selected will be renamed. The number selected is shown in the status bar. If you don't select anything, you can't rename! The sequence in which the criteria are processed is indicated by a number - for example, File Numbering is the 8th operation. Updates are available from my website ( Make sure you're using a recent version to get the most benefit. Subscribe to the mailing list on my website ( Then you'll know when a new version is available! When a new version is released you can just download the ZIP file, rather than uninstalling and reinstall the full version. You can always see a preview of what the new filename will look like in the "New Name" column. If a rename operation goes horribly wrong - just undo it with CTRL-Z! Select or de-select all files quickly with CTRL-A and CTRL-D. Save your favourite, commonly-used rename operations as Favourites (via the File menu). Need to stamp a filename with it's creation date? It's easy, and in lots of different formats too! When you re-launch the utility, the application remembers the screen position from the previous launch. Display the file-list with gridlines if you find these help. Or turn them off if they annoy you. Need to process sub-directories too? Just tick the Recursive box! Need to add an auto-number field, but the files aren't in the right order? Just use drag 'n' drop to reorder them manually. Want to add suffixes like 0001, 0002, 0003 to files? Set the Pad value to 4 and it's all done! Rename button disabled? You haven't selected any files or folders to rename. Full Row Select will highlight the entire row in the file-list window. Some like this, others don't - you choose.